Coast Canine offers personal dog training for you and your dog in the locations you need your dog trained. The benefit to training this way is that your canine partner behaves where you train! When you are done training with us your dog will not only behave in a group class in one location. When we train your dog we start in a low distraction environment(at one of our training facilities or in your home) then we move out to high distraction environments (outside the coffee shop, beaches, parks, outdoor malls). We do this so that the dog is stress and distraction free when he is in the learning phase of training. Once the dog fully understands the commands being asked we go out and put them to the test under distraction and reinforce what the dog already knows. It doesn’t do you or your dog any good if he will lay down and stay in a group class, but then tries to drag you out of your chair when he sees a cat run by while you are sitting at the coffee shop enjoying a latte.

Coast Canine loves to help new and experienced dog owners understand their canine counterparts and help them achieve their goals no matter how big or small. There is nothing more beautiful than to be able to let your dog run off the leash and know you can keep them safe with reliable training, trust and a strong bond between dog and handler. California is a beautiful place get out there and enjoy it with your best buddy!